This is another phobia post. I've believed my entire 25 years of living that I hate cucumbers. Cucumbers are my brothers favorite vegetable. I am sickened by them. I hate it when they hide them in salads and wraps.
Today I got a salad and on top were three cucumbers just taunting me, saying "Hee! Hee! We are gross! We are getting our disgusting cucumber juice all over your delicious salad! Watch out tomato because we're spreading our disease!"
So I'm sitting there at my meeting looking at the discarded cucumbers on the side of my plate thinking: Do I really not like cucumbers or is this just one of my strange dillusions? Could I even remember eating a cucumber ever?
I decided that in the spirit of my new lifestyle, a choice needed to be made. I must try the cucumber. I must take a bite and just taste it. If I don't like it then that's fine, I'll give up on cucumbers forever. But, if this is like the fruitcake situation, and I like it even though I thought I always hated it, I could be stumbling upon something worthwhile here.
And so I did. I took a big bite. How can I describe for you my surprise? It tastes like the white rind of watermelon. It's not disgusting, it's good! I like cucumber! Mindboggling!
And so it is, another discovery has taken place. Another vegetable has been introduced successfully. Cucumbers . . . and I thought they were only good for one thing! I KID!
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